Cholesterol and Your Brain!
Cholesterol has been demonized in the United States. It is one of a few tests that are routinely done every year on patients at their physical examination with the idea that the lower it is the better off we are.
This is just not true…
80% of the cholesterol in our body is made by the liver. Only 20% is actually dietary. Cholesterol is an essential fat that is responsible for making brain tissue, creating Vitamin D and the manufacture of all of our sex hormones!
If your cholesterol is too low, you run the risk of having liver disease and cancer!
Dr. Nadir Ali, a leading cardiologist explains the relationship between good health and cholesterol levels in this great 17 minute video.
If you are on a keto diet, it is NORMAL for your cholesterol to go up, but your good cholesterol goes up as well and your triglycerides and heart disease risk go down!
#TheOptimumU, #BrainHealth, #KetoDiet